Your beauty is our priority.

What does your skin need? Here are the 9 winter skincare tips that hear the begging voice of your skin :

  • Moisturize your skin properly.

Thick moisturizers containing Ceramides, Hyaluronic Acid, and Petrolatum will help retain and seal moisture within your skin. Choose thicker creams over lighter lotions — the thicker the moisturizer, the better.

  • Switch to Hydrating Cleansers

During the winter months, avoid harsh cleansers on the face. Use gentle, hydrating, fragrance-free cleansers for daily cleansing and to remove makeup.

  • Limit hot showers

Winter weather brings the desire for long hot showers, but hot water will further dry out your skin. Limit showers to 15 minutes and use lukewarm water to avoid irritating your skin.

  • Avoid harsh scrubs and scented products

Loofahs, bath mitts, and scrubs can irritate dry skin and lead to eczema flares. Avoid these if you have a history of eczema or dry skin. Use unscented soaps and body washes.

  • Exfoliate for smooth, supple skin

Dry skin will stay dry without light exfoliation. Avoid harsh scrubs and opt for moisturizers with lactic acid, which acts as an exfoliate and a humectant, sloughing off dead skin and drawing moisture into skin simultaneously.

  • You still need sunscreen!

Even though the sun’s UVB rays are not as strong in the winter, UVA rays are still present and can age you. Remember to wear SPF 30+ every morning and reapply if doing any outdoor winter activities.

  • Limit alcohol intake and hydrate well

Alcohol during the holidays can dehydrate you. Make sure to limit these beverages and hydrate well with water throughout the day. Humidifiers at night can help regulate the moisture levels in your home and further combat dryness, promoting a dewy complexion.

  • Carry lip balm

Keep dry lips from getting chapped and sunburned during winter fun by using a hydrating lip balm with SPF every morning and throughout the day to seal in moisture.

  • Be aware of irritating skin products

Be aware of potentially irritating ingredients such as retinoids, exfoliating acids, and vitamin C. You may need to dial back on the potency of these topical to be able to use them consistently through winter without causing excess irritation.