Sajilo Sewa signed AMC with Cedar Gate

An Annual Maintenance Contract has been signed between Cedar Gate and Sajilo Sewa (AMC). Sajilo Sewa has more than 100 AMC subscriptions through the different industries.

Cedar Gate Services Pvt. Ltd (Formerly Deerwalk Services Pvt. Ltd) is a leading software company in Kathmandu, Nepal, providing software development, software testing, data analytics, IT infrastructure and business process support services to its parent company in the United States. Cedar Gate improves the quality and cost of care through a complete platform, addressing point solution fatigue that is common in the healthcare marketplace.

Sajilo Sewa provide AMC’s for the following services:

  • Plumbing Services
  • Electrical Services
  • Air Conditioning Repair and maintenance services
  • Computer repair and maintenance services

Sajilo Sewa is glad to be an official maintenance partner of Cedar Gate.

You can know more about them here.

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