We all want a clean, sanitized toilet, don’t we? The basic act of flushing is so taken for granted that if someone just comes out of your toilet without flushing, you feel like giving them a “Rey Mysterio’s 619”. Or that just might be me.

But not all things go well all the time, and sometimes we run just out of water in the tank where the flush button doesn’t work. This  is a problem you might have already encountered or you might encounter anytime while at home. Or maybe you have to cut the water off for a few days while you are doing some plumbing or building in addition to the house. If you are in an apartment complex or big building, sometimes they cut the water off for the whole day, and you might be in trouble. So, knowing how to flush the toilet without running water can help you. Stick with me till the end. This piece of writing will definitely help fix your problem.

Let’s get started!

The first thing you’ll need to do is to check in the back to make sure the valve behind the commode, or to be precise, below the tank, is open if you’re building or your house hasn’t turned off the water. Even if your water has been turned off, you should still have one good flush in the tank. And if you want to save water for the entire day, I recommend not flushing your urine.

And the second thing, if you don’t have enough water in the tank, take your bucket and fill it with anywhere from 3 to 5 liters of water from the kitchen, or borrow from a neighbor if you don’t have enough. This can happen to anyone at any time. So, sharing and helping one another is always a good idea.

If you live in an apartment, you can simply take some water from the pool or a fountain if one is available in your building or in the nearest park. Once you’ve found the water, fill half of the bucket with it and dump it all into the toilet at once. And you’re finished!! Your toilet is completely flushed.

You can use this in an emergency. Trust me. This is a life-saving trick!

On a personal note, if you need a reliable plumber, please contact us at 9801888282. We’ll come to your house at your convenience and fix all of your plumbing problems.

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