Home-made remedies for pimples and acnes

We get it, seeing pimples or spots on our face concerns us like no other. It makes us terrified, it makes us insecure. And that is why we fantasize about having smooth and fair skin all the time.  It is important to note that every skin tone/type is different and acne free skin does not necessarily mean a healthy skin. We shouldn’t really hold ourselves to unrealistic standards presented by social media.

What causes acnes and pimples?

Anes can be a headache. First, let’s find out what’s causing them so we can find a solution. According to dermatologists, hormonal imbalances such as puberty, pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle are one of the many causes of acne and pimples. 

 Unhealthy eating habits are a more common cause for acnes and pimples as well.  Many of us can’t stop eating oily, artificially colored junk food. As a result, we see the effects of all those junk foods on our skin.

So what can we do about acnes and pimples at home?

The first thing that you can try to do is apply green tea extracts on your face and skin. We all know that green tea have been known to tackle pimple-causing bacterias along with having anti-inflammatory properties. But these properties also help in reducing or negating the acnes in our skin. Lets not forget green teas also have antioxidants in them, pretty important for our skin.

  • You can try skin products that contain green tea extracts. Those kinds of products are readily available in the market. You could also try to create your own. Just mix some green tea in a boiling water and let it cool down. Then, slowly apply the water on your skin, leave for anywhere from 30 minutes to overnight and then rinse. Doing this twice a day, 3-4 times a week will make sure you have an acne-free face.
  • Secondly, you can look for face packs in the market that contain elements like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Like the green tea extracts we discussed above, these elements also contain anti-inflammatory properties and help open skin pores to unclog and clean them. So look out for face washes, face packs, and other beauty products with these elements. A good rule of thumb is to look out for products that say exfoliating in their details. Having antioxidants is always a plus-point.

Sticking to home remedies, a third option can be applying aloe vera on the face regularly. Aloe vera contains the aforementioned salicylic acid along with other useful elements like sulfur, and these again help clean out the pore that captures the dirt causing acnes. It is pretty simple to opt for this remedy, as you only need to apply the gel part inside the leaf, easily scraped through a spoon or any utensil of your choice. It can be applied at least once a day and as long as you would need to.