Washing machines have made our lives so easy. It saves us a lot of time and time is money. which we can spend doing things we like instead of washing clothes. In conclusion,  nobody likes to wash clothes hence we should all be aware about how to take proper care of our washing machines. . We buy it because we don’t have time or are physically unable to wash our clothes, or because it is a necessity for all of us. We should all be aware of how to properly care for our personal belongings, including washing machines. After all, it’s not something we purchase on a weekly, monthly, or even annual basis.

In this blog, we present 8 Sajilo steps to make sure your washing machine is healthy and ready to pack a punch for a longer time.

  1. Use a voltage stabilizer because it will save your machine from voltage fluctuations. Voltage stabilizers are found in the stores and you can install yourself only if you can or else you can seek help from experts.
  2. Do not run washing machines on erratic power backups. We do not recommend operating your washing machine on Inverters or generators. These power backups produce erratic and inconsistent power supply which can damage your machine.  So, run your machine on main power.
  3. Instead of powder detergent, use liquid detergent because it will easily pass through the pass way without becoming clogged. Yes, modern washing machines are designed in such a way that we can use both. However, you should be aware that there are different compartments for powder and liquid detergents.. Please follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully regarding this.
  4. Also, never ever ever overload your machine with tons of clothes.
  5. Run the Tub Clean cycle once every 30 washes; if you don’t know how or what it is, seek assistance. Clean as much dust as possible from the inside out to extend the life of your washing machine. Cleaning the filter on a regular basis, at least once or twice a month, is also recommended.
  6. When not in use , leave the door slightly open to prevent odors.
  7. Consider buying a washing machine  protective cover to save it from the Sun and dust.  Use a washing machine filter. Water can affect your machine because it is contaminated at times and contains a large number of particles that are dangerous to your machine and must be filtered. If you’re not sure how to fix it, contact an expert and seek help.
  8. Last but not least, get a washing machine stand; it is essential since it allows for easy cleaning underneath the stand and protects the machine’s  external body from getting wet.

If you follow these recommendations, you will save your hard earned  money  spent on repairs or buying a new machine.  You will not just save your  money but you will help to save and preserve  the environment too.  Because taking care of existing products or repairing them in time is always a better idea than buying new ones.

On a personal note, if you need a reliable consultant or electrician , please contact us at 9801888282. We’ll come to your house at your convenience and fix all of your  electrical problems.