AMC signed with Alev Kebab Sultanate

Alev Kebab Sultanate signs an annual maintenance contract with Sajilo Sewa. Sajilo Sewa has more than 100 AMC subscriptions across different industries. An annual maintenance contract is an agreement between a company and a provider that sets expectations for the ongoing maintenance of machinery or property that the company purchases from the provider. We provide AMC’s for the following services:

  1. Plumbing Service
  2. Electrical Services
  3. Computer and network
  4. Air Conditioning

Sajilo Sewa is glad to be official maintenance partner of Alev Kebab Sultanate. Alev Kebab Sultanate caters the unique flavors of the Turkish cuisine in the Nepalese Market. As the flavor of Turkish cuisine transcends borders and unites the whole world, Alev Kebab Sultanate will undoubtedly carry the same legacy.

You can know more about them here.