5 Signs of Moisture in Your Basement Walls or Floor: How to Detect and Address the Issue

Are you experiencing seepage in your basement? Don’t ignore it. Seepage can cause severe damage to your home, from mould growth to structural damage and even foundation cracks. To prevent further damage, it’s essential to address the issue promptly. The leading causes of basement seepage are inadequate drainage outside the foundation wall, foundation wall cracks, and high water table levels. Other potential causes of basement seepage include poor soil compaction, plumbing leaks, and foundation settlement. In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes of basement seepage and provide you with essential tips on how to fix the issue.

Here are some points through which you can fix your basement seepage:

  1. Check for water entry points: Examine your basement for cracks, gaps, or holes that may be allowing water to enter. Seal any cracks or holes with a waterproof sealant, like hydraulic cement or silicone caulk.
  2. Install a drain system: Consider installing a drain tile system around the perimeter of your basement. This will help to collect and divert water away from the walls and floor of your basement.
  3. Install a sump pump: If your basement is prone to flooding, consider installing a sump pump to help remove water quickly
  4. Install gutters and downspouts: Make sure that your gutters and downspouts are in good working order and are directing rainwater away from your home.
  5. Improve ventilation: Make sure your basement is well ventilated to help reduce humidity and moisture build up. Consider installing a dehumidifier to help keep the air dry.

Even after all these attempts, if you are not able to fix your seepage, a professional can help you determine the best approach to keep your basement dry and free of seepage. Sajilo Sewa brings professional experts to your doorstep to solve your problem. You can book the service from our app or simply give us a call at 9801888282.